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I like to think that I began the deep and consuming dive into the wonderfully expressive world of photography when I was just a kid and picked up my parents Canon AE-1 35mm camera and just thought it was the coolest thing I’d ever seen.

Of course, at the time I was far more focused on taking quick snapshots of my friends and I skateboarding around town, but it’s pretty hard to grow up in the ridiculously photogenic landscapes of Colorado - especially when you have a mild mountain addiction like I do - without cultivating a love for the beauty and power of the natural world around you.

It took me quitting my job as a hydraulic engineer in 2015 and traveling the world for a year to fully realize how much being present in the majesty of the world we live in really means to me, and it wasn’t until 2021 that I finally decided to deepen my understanding of this passion of mine and actually show it to the world.

As a traveler and photographer, I hope the results of all my adventures bring you as much joy as they bring me!